
Human resources analytics system

Recans Human resources analytics system is a system that enables the systematic collection, assessment, comparison, quality determination, and compilation of various information on a certain position in a company or an organisation. Recans Human resources analytics system produces information in the form of the recommendation of the most suitable job in the operational position as well as the core of the process where employees’ performance will be determined.


Recans Human resources analytics system carries primary functions consist of Job Description, Specification of Post, Single Data Entry, Position Mapping, Employee Need Analysis, Position Analysis Data Collection, Position Comparison and Report Writing.


Recans Human resources analytics system attends to support and to facilitate decision making analysis in the operational tasks according to the position and the most suitable effort determination. Recans Human resources analytics system provides convenience and assistance in analysing the positions, workload, and evaluation of an organisation in an easy and right on target ways.



Job Description

Records duties and responsibilities of a certain position to avoid disputes in understanding, double job, and to assess boundaries in responsibilities and authorities for each available job post systematically.


Specification of Post

Displays information on terms and conditions for employees who are appointed for a certain post in order to enable them to perform optimally.



Performs data calling for existing data by summoning related data to facilitate convenience and to avoid double data entry in Work Load Analysis and Position Evaluation.


Position Mapping

Displays handy position mapping connected to an organization based on the user’s needs.


Employee Needs Analysis

Conducts analysis, introduction, and observation on important data such as workload, an average of standard skills, working hours, and other factors for necessary employee needs determination.


Structure & Position Management

Creates, alters and deletes position and structure in each organization to support position mapping in the organizational structure according to the existing regulations.


Data Exporting

Downloads data or report in various formats such as Word, Excel, and PDF accordingly to the existing regulations.


Report Writing

Creates a custom report based on the desired goals, and produces the proper and corresponding report. Supports pre-determined filtering system in routine and periodic reporting to enable the user to obtain the desirable report.


User Setting Management

Creates, alters, and deletes user account in the system. Manages accessibility for each account user accordingly to their authorization, and records all logs of activity of users in the system.


Recans NR-SIEM